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A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace. In the 12th century, the tally of seven sacraments achieved acceptance. Sacraments are a means by which the nature and structure of the church are brought into operation.


Baptism is the gateway to life in the Spirit. It is the means through which we gain access to the other sacraments. Through baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God. By baptism, we become members of Christ and his church. 

Baptismal preparation is required of all those requesting baptism for their FIRST child.  This preparation is scheduled quarterly and must be done prior to scheduling the baptism.  If there is a period of five years or more between the baptism of children, the parents will be asked to attend the preparation again.  It is usually held on a Saturday morning from 10:00 until Noon in the Brady Room. 

The Diocese of Greensburg has official qualifications of baptism sponsors, as well as the appropriate number of sponsors. St. Bernard of Clairvaux follows the guidelines that the diocese has for sponsors which are in conformity with Canon Law.  Please contact the parish office to schedule a baptism.


Given that sin destroys our relationship with God and undermines our relationship with other human beings, reconciliation designates that precise effect of Christ’s redemption of the human race that restores our relationship with God and our human fellowship.

Christ breaks down the barriers that sin raises between us and God, and within the human community. Our conversion from sin and reception of divine mercy are continually renewed by confession. Serious sin separates us from the body of the Church and sacramental penance reconciles us with God and the community of his people.

The sacrament is also referred to as the sacrament of penance of confession. The sacrament is celebrated at our parish on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Appointments for reconciliation can also be made by contacting the parish office.


The Eucharist completes Christian initiation. Through this sacrament of initiation we participate with the whole community of believers in the Lord’s own sacrifice.

The Eucharist (from the Greek word eucharista ‘thanksgiving’) is the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ in which he is present under the forms of bread and wine offering himself in the sacrifice of the Mass and giving himself as spiritual food to the faithful.

At the last Supper, the Lord instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of his body and blood. He did this in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until he should come again and so to entrust to the church a memorial of his death and resurrection.

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.

The Reception of the Sacrament at St. Bernard

Anyone wishing to arrange for Eucharist to be delivered to the home is asked to contact the parish office to make arrangements.

Students in our second grade faith formation program who have completed our parish’s first grade program, as well as those registered parishioners attending Catholic school, are prepared for the reception of the sacrament through a series of sacramental preparation workshops according to diocesan guidelines. 


Confirmation brings to completion the grace received through baptism. By this sacrament the baptized are more perfectly bound to the church and are enriched by the strength of the Holy Spirit. This gift conforms believers more fully to Christ and strengthens them to bear witness to Christ for the building up of his body in faith and love.

This sacrament is offered according to the guidelines established by the Code of Canon Law and the Diocese of Greensburg.

The Reception of the Sacrament at St. Bernard

Students in our eighth grade faith formation program and their parents will be notified with additional information about completing the sacrament of confirmation at the parish. For more information about official qualifications of confirmation sponsors visit the diocesan website.

Anointing of the Sick

Through this sacrament, the whole church commends those who are ill to the Lord, that he raise them up and save them. By this sacrament, those who suffer are united to the passion and death of Christ. The Lord himself showed great concern for the sick and commanded his followers to do likewise. Through this sacrament, Christ strengthens the faithful who are afflicted by illness, providing them with the strongest means of support.

The Reception of the Sacrament at St. Bernard

Anointing of the sick is available to those who are sick, elderly or infirm upon request. A family member should contact the parish office in case of serious illness or in an emergency


The marriage covenant prefigures the new and everlasting covenant between the Son of God and all mankind. Through this sacrament, Christians signify and share in the mystery of the unity and fruitful love that exists between Christ and his church. Christian couples are to strive to nourish and develop their marriage by undivided attention in good time and in bad.

The Reception of the Sacrament at St. Bernard

Couples are asked to please contact the parish office a minimum of six months prior to the anticipated wedding in order to begin the marriage preparation program of their choice. Options are listed below.

Sponsor Couple Program
The sponsor couple program offers engaged couples the opportunity to better understand their choice of a Catholic Christian marriage, to learn more about themselves, and to grow as a couple through meetings with a married couple and the use of a workbook. Generally, the couples meet between four and five times, with meetings lasting between one-and-a-half to two hours. The workbook provides a guideline for discussion as well as an opportunity to “learn” from a couple who has been married and has the life experience to provide example and guidance to the engaged couple. While the married couple is there to provide example and support, they are not trying to shape the engaged couple into a “mini-us,” but to help the about-to-be married to be the best couple they can be. Sharing during the sessions is very valuable, but no one is forced to share. What is shared is by free choice. All that is shared is confidential–no report of the discussion is made. Upon completion of the program, the sponsor couple reports that fact to the pastor, but they make no judgment nor share any of the discussion with the pastor.
Catholic Engaged Encounter
The Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend is a time for an engaged couple, preparing for the sacrament of marriage, to concentrate on building and deepening their relationship and commitment. Free from the pressures and distractions of daily living, the engaged couple has the opportunity to concentrate exclusively on each other while examining the issues they will encounter within marriage. The design of the weekend encourages the engaged couple to privately explore their mutual strengths and weakness, goals, aspirations and attitudes concerning family life, children, sexuality, finances, the Church and society.

Holy Orders

Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his Apostles continues to be exercised in the church. It includes three degrees: diaconate, presbyterate and episcopate.

Episcopal consecration of a bishop confers the offices of sanctifying, teaching and ruling. Priests are consecrated to preach the Gospel and to shepherd the faithful, as well as to celebrate the Divine Liturgy.

Deacons share in Christ’s mission and grace. Among other tasks, deacons assist the bishop and priests in the celebration of the divine mysteries and in dedicating themselves to the various ministries of charity.

Learn more about vocations or view video highlights on the Diocese of Greensburg YouTube channel.