Faith Formation
Christ was speaking to all of us when he said, “Go and make disciples… baptize them… and teach them.” Catechesis (teaching of the faith) then begins and ends with Christ. It is all about helping us understand profoundly what it means to be a baptized Christian and how we are to live with and as Christ. It is, by its very nature, a never-ending task while we are here on earth. It is the journey of a lifetime.
“We all live in a home, a parish and a diocese… catechesis is to occur in all of these settings.” (From Taste and See, Catechesis as Food for the Journey, Diocese of Greensburg, 1999)
The mission of our faith formation program (traditionally known as CCD) at St. Bernard Parish is to assist parents in their role as the first teachers of the faith for their children, and to provide opportunities for adults to continue their journey of faith.
Our program begins in mid-September and runs through early May each year. Kindergarten through grade five meet weekly. The Junior High Youth Ministry and the Senior High Youth Ministry meet every other week alternating between the two groups. The Faith Formation calendar tries to follow the local school district calendars in order to help families plan trips and holidays.
For more information about our current program, please contact Danielle Cribbs, director of faith formation.